Fees are to be paid monthly in advance by the 20th day of the current month.
Fees for January and February will be paid in the month of January.
Fees will be charged for 12 months. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods.
Students are liable to
be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls. Fees once paid
will not be refunded.
Those who wish may pay fees for the whole year in advance (12 months)
AIf fees for two consecutive months are not paid by the 20th of the second month a warning will be sent.
If not paid by the 20th of the third month, the student’s name is liable to be removed from the rolls.
Any pupil whose fees shall fall in arrears in liable to be refused admission into the class or to be sent
home and shall not be
allowed to sit for the regular examination.
Students who leave the school in the middle of the session will have to pay the fees for the entire
Parents are requested to fill in the details in the in the monthly slip of the fees booklets and must
verify the entries in the
fees booklet after payment has been made.
The school reserves the right to increase the fee at any time of the school year, if an increment is deemed
For further details refer to Fee Books.